
Watch the video recordings of the conference.



Opening speeches and presentation by Maria Seissl (Head of the service department of the library of University Vienna):

“Brave digital world! Challenges and strategies for online archives and repositories”


Lectures and panel discussion

Watch the lectures of the following persons and the subsequent panel discussion:

Gerhard Baumgartner (Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes)
Julia Fallon (Stiftung Europeana)
Andrea Neidhöfer (basis wien)
Maria Seissl (Bibliotheks- und Archivwesen der Universität Wien)

Moderation: Anna Masoner (ORF Ö1)


Day 2


A National Library for the 21th Century – Content and services in The Digital Library
A presentation by Roger Jøsevold (Nationalbibliothek Norwegen, Oslo).


Copyright and cultural heritage – a construct between reality and fiction.
A presentation by Paul Klimpel (iRights Lab Kultur. Berlin).





Memory institutions, online archives and copyright – Is the key to the archives to be found in Scandinavia?
A presentation by Felix Trumpke (Rechtsreferendar am OLG Frankfurt/Main).




Mass-digitization and (extended) collective licensing: the way forward?
A presentation by Stef van Gompel (Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam).

Electronic Reading Terminals – ECJ Case TU Darmstadt vs. Eugen Ulmer in its European Context
A presentation by Diana Ettig (Hogan Lovells, Frankfurt/Main).




Panel discussion “New frame conditions for the accessibility of cultural heritage”

Panel discussion about the legal frame conditions and the possibility of their improvement in the digital information society.

Diana Ettig (Hogan Lovells, Frankfurt/Main)
Stef van Gompel (Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam)
Roger Jøsevold (Nationalbibliothek Norwegen, Oslo)
Paul Klimpel (iRights Lab Kultur, Berlin)
Felix Trumpke (Rechtsreferendar am OLG Frankfurt/Main)

Moderation: Leonhard Dobusch (Professor for organizational theory, FU Berlin)